Monday, 30 January 2017

The Truth

They can not hide all the evidence as you can see! But they don't have to! No one stands and fights for what they believe in even when they know things are not right.

 People will look at this and simply move on to the next post, taking in all the information proving we are being lied to yet they/you will choose to sit back and allow this to continue.

The reason our governments and the secret society are able to carry on with their cover stories and are able to control the masses is because we, the masses are allowing them to do so!

We have not evolved! We have simply done what we are told and have allowed them to divide us so we fight each other rather than standing together! Together we are strong, confident and very powerful we can over come any injustice that we have to face. divided we are weak, paranoid, unsure of our own beliefs and insecure which makes us sheep who only have the ability to follow.

Open your eyes separate your self from the masses, become a individual standing next to other individuals. Be proud and stand by the truth!

The truth will set you free....


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