Tuesday 29 April 2014

Top 10 Things You Can’t Know!!!

No-one can truly be a know-it-all, because quite frankly, we are not allowed to know everything. And the government makes sure of it; this is done via a series of secrecy and privacy laws which tend to differ from country to country, but largely remain the same. Of course it is our right as citizens to know as much as we can, to keep those government blinds slanted open by all means necessary (such as via the Freedom of Information Act – a.k.a. the best friend of any journalist stuck on the local government beat). While that may be, there are certain bits of info that with be unarguably sealed off and “For Your Eyes Only.” Here are ten of those best kept secrets.

10.  Trade Secrets
Secret: Trade Secrets
This is a very necessary legal provision. After all, healthy competition is fundamental to a capitalistic society and making sure companies keep locked up what exactly gives them a leg up ensures that the market isn’t flooded with cheap imitators. In that way, monopolies are also guaranteed. For instance, if anyone ever managed to ascertain Coca Cola’s secret formula, Coca Cola would no longer be the #1 cola in the world, as you could just make it at at home in your bathtub for much less (although with possibly more floating hairs and bits of soap scum). Everything Coke has worked for from the ground up to accomplish in the last hundred plus years would have been unrightfully negated. These laws preserve integrity as much as they might be less in favor of the common man.

9.  Oil
Crude Oil
Secret: Locations of Oil Deposits
If this wasn’t a purposeful secret, there’d be Beverly Hillbillies; the locations of oil deposits maintain such a tight lid because otherwise anybody could purchase the land under which the wells appear and become instantly wealthy. And with that, there’d be an incredible lack of fairness if anyone who had privileged access to that kind of information (and there always is someone) were able to go out and invest some of that golden property. The government does, at times, go out of its way to set a level playing field, even when it may seem to favors corporations over people.

8.  Intelligence
Secret: Any “Intelligence” the Government Choose to Withhold
There is a whole process through which government obtains information about the on-goings of various countries and people and packages them into manilla folders. The government can release information, although it rarely goes out of its way to (why the Freedom of Information Act and Government in the Sunshine Act exist, the essential common purposes being transparency). It may deliberately leak information or demote or remove the “classified” status of a piece of information. But some information is just clutched onto with a death grip, sometimes to save face (lest we forget the the backlashes following Wikileaks and the Pentagon Papers).

7.  Insider Information
Secret: Insider Information
Another certainty of fairness is the illegality of acquiring financial reports that have yet to be released to the public (and using them advantageously). This ensure no individual cheats the system and has his illicit payday. Remember how humble homemaker and uber-savvy businesswomen Martha Stewart attempted to profit beyond her already gross profits by using this illegal maneuver–a tactic that landed her straight in prison (where she probably had the most ornately arranged cell in the facility). Word to the wise: don’t be like Martha.

6.  Banking
Bank 1808082C
Secret: Bank Account Information
This legal bank provision actually works against the government; the Swiss Banking Act, created in 1934, actually protects off-shore bank accounts, which make it so clients can evade taxes and essentially lie about their level of wealth. This forbids authority figures from accessing information about clients, except when particular individuals are being indicted and their account information may serve the case in some essential way. But you can imagine the kind of abuse and corruption than can ensue with this kind of provision (and if you haven’t experienced it in recent years, you’ve surely witnessed it). This is one of those example where the law seems to serve banks and big corporations more than it does your average Joe. There are a few anti-corruption measures that have been implemented since, such as the U.S Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 and the (all-around-Orwellian) Patriot Act, which both work against bank secrecy, and in particular to cut back on the illegal stuff (money laundering, etc.).

5.  Medical Secrets

Medical Records Istock 000000156601 1
5.  Medical Secrets

Secret: Medical Records or Patient Histories
Another provision of U.S. privacy laws, employees – who benefit from the various ways businesses are protected and who are treated as bits of information within a company – are protected from any undue poking around. In addition to bank account information, kept private are individuals medical records. Also in accordance with the Hippocratic Oath, which all doctors and medical specialists must uphold by law–unless it becomes an issue of patient safety or the safety of others–a strict confidentiality agreement with their patients. This, amongst else, prevents pure and utter humiliation.

4.  Nuclear Secrets
Iran-Qom 1542533C
Secret: Nuclear Weapon Design Plans
This is evidence that the U.S.-Soviet Arms race has never quite concluded, not in spirit anyway. Maintaining a constant “Top Secret” or “Secret” status, the two highest levels of “Classified” information, of information that if exposed could cause some sort of harm, “Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information” (as it’s called) is something that will never be revealed to anyone but officials with the utmost kind of security clearance. As our Department of Defense is a very tight-lipped bunch, the fear here is that to disseminate what we have in our arsenal enables rival nations to see what exactly kind we have (and can proceed to call our bluff, as circumstance may provide).

3.  Military Secrets
Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange
Secret: Anything that Can Jeopardize a War or Endanger Troops’ Lives
This one is a no-brainer. At war-time, the locations of troops or any kind of strategies are off-limits as far as the public goes, for if the enemy caught wind, the consequences could be dire. Some secrets are kept for only the best of reasons.

2. Court Secrets
Queen High Court
Secret: Details of a Court Proceeding that Might Influence the Jury and/or a Case’s Outcome
Witnessing a court case in sessions is to see the justice system kick with life, which is like seeing a doe in the wild. It is a very delicate process, which is decided by individuals with no more the moral wisdom of anyone else picked at random, and which determines the fate and guilt/innocent a human being. And being that no one in this setting is anything but human–one capable of being mislead, influenced, baited, etc.– it makes sense that proceeding maintain a secrecy about certain case details which, in the wrong hands, could endanger participants. Similarly, details of an open investigation are off-limits, as such knowledge could influence the outcome of a case itself.

1.  Pretty Much Anything
Ufo Blacked Out
Secret: Anything the Government Deems “Classified.”
The government has a strict, multi-level classification by which it deems sensitive materials to be off limits to all but a select, entrusted few. The different levels, from most critical to least, are: “Top Secret,” “Secret,” “Confidential,” and “Restricted” (the rest are “Unclassified”). The more secret it is, the more harm that could come from the learning of. Items falling under such categories include, but aren’t limited to, military plans, negotiation tactics, weapon designs, and other secrets obtained by spurious means. Also, for those conspiracy theorists among us, there may very well exist proof of first contact somewhere within those crowded filing cabinets.

Top secret: The ancient rock art hidden all over the Negev desert

The Antiquities Authority is afraid of revealing whereabouts. A conference this week will discuss whether the public can be trusted with these treasures.

The curiosity is killing me. After a conversation with Dr. Davida Eisenberg Degen from the Israel Antiquities Authority I conduct a short search on the Internet. Degen explained to me quite clearly the importance of the ancient rock art in the Negev, but emphasized the great danger involved in exposing it to the broader public.

Her fears are based on past experience. She is worried about the fate of the rock art and what curious tourists might do. “These are very vulnerable finds. It is easy to destroy them, easy to move them or to add new paintings, and that is of course enormous damage,” she said.
Because of these fears, Degen prefers to talk to me about the importance of the art and the hesitation over what to do with it; but she never reveals the exact locations of the art. There are thousands of such works all over the Negev. Some, those at Mount Karkom, I have seen before, but Degen knows of thousands of other petroglyphs elsewhere - which are much more accessible than the isolated Mount Karkom.

She admits to constantly debating between the desire to reveal the beautiful artworks, to which she dedicated her doctoral thesis, and between the fears that they will suffer irreparable damage. At the end of our talk, after she did not even divulge to me one single exact location, I decide to search on my own.

My Internet search reveals that some of the rock paintings are located not far from Road 40, near the section that leads south from Sde Boker toward Avdat. I have passed by there hundreds of times and I never knew of the existence of the rock art. The hiding of the rock art in the Negev highlands has been going on for decades. The “underground” of the rock art is in no hurry to share its treasures.
I park my car alongside the Lipa Gal observation point, about a kilometer north of Avdat. I hike toward the stone observation platform and read that here, right by the lookout point, there are ancient rock paintings all around. The text on the sign at the site says: “The rock art on the nearby slope was created in the Roman period some 1,800 years ago. The paintings are of archeological value and are not to be touched.” Parts of the sign have been vandalized. Someone has carved on it with a sharp object and someone else doodled strange markings around it.
A hundred meters from the sign, on a few dark rocks, I find dozens of brownish yellow paintings. Many of them show animals with horns. Alongside, on the ancient paintings, someone has carved the name Roi. It is easy to understand Degen’s fears.
There is something very exciting about finding ancient paintings on a rock in the middle of the desert. I of course have no clue when the rock art by the observation point was created. Even the experts, says Degen, have a hard time dating them accurately. I don’t know who created them and for what purpose, but this demonstration of artistic skill on a mountain in the Negev is enough to make one emotional. The feeling is of finding a rare treasure that is lying without any protection on the top of the hill.
At the end of this week, March 27-29, the First International Conference on Rock Art in the Negev Desert and Beyond is being held in Sde Boker, under the auspices of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. It also marks the inauguration of the university’s new Negev Rock Art Center. The conference also includes field trips to many sites. The conference is “intended to offer a wide view of the Southern Levantine rock art. With rock-art research still in its infancy in many of the countries of the region, we invite scholars, students, conservators, educators and rock-art enthusiasts to present and share their knowledge, research and thoughts on a variety of subjects related to rock art. We hope to bridge geographic and political borders through our common passion for rock art,” state the conference organizers.   

One of the goals of the conference is to find a solution about what to do with the rock art treasure spread all over the Negev, and which has received little attention until now. In fact, it has mostly been hidden from the public out of the fears it would be damaged. The question under discussion is whether to expose it to the public — and if so, how?
Two years ago, Degen and the IAA established the Israel RockArt Forum together with Dr. Uzi Avner from Ben-Gurion and a number of amateur researchers and people from the region, including Razi Yahel, who has been documenting the rock art in the Negev intensively in recent years; Yehuda Rotblum, who has dedicated a great amount of time to studying the rock art; and Yigal Granot from Midreshet Ben-Guriion in Sde Boker. Their goal (as reported in Haaretz in Hebrew by Eli Ashkenazi on September 13, 2012) was to document and map the thousands of rock artworks in the Negev, and in particular in the Avdat region. And their biggest question is to what extent to reveal the art to the public.
versus tourism
During my conversation with Degen, which we held at an archeological rescue excavation site of the IAA near Be’er Sheva, she explained in detail the problems of displaying finds such as rock art to the broad public. “The finds in the Negev have stood in place for thousands of years without having been damaged. The rock art is an ancient tradition and it is possible to see its continuation in the activities of the Bedouin today who live in the area. This is art that has not been documented and almost not studied,” she said.
“The destruction does not always stem from vandalism or a desire to do evil, but often from a lack of knowledge and thought,” she continued. “Many [people] try to carve next to the ancient rock art to see how hard it is. They want to try and examine if they can do something similar. This of course does great damage and harms research. There is damage caused by antiquities sellers. There is damage caused for ideological reasons — as a demonstration of anger against the government. The destruction may come from all the layers of the population and therefore we are debating about the exposure of these sites. Until now we have tried to limit it as much as possible.”
The solutions she proposes sound familiar: Education, explanations and strict protection.
The main debate is between preservation and tourism, notes Degen, and it concerns not only the rock art sites but also lots of other archeological sites, for example those that have mosaics. Should they be left covered, hidden, or should they be turned in to tourist sites, she wonders. Degen cites the example of the archeological site of Khirbet Hanot in the Jerusalem Hills, neat Moshav Mata. There the IAA left a mosaic floor covered with a bit of sand and visitors could sweep away the sand and look at the mosaic.
“Very quickly the mosaic was damaged significantly. It is completely clear that part of the consideration is also financial — is it possible to maintain such a site and protect it? Can the revenues from visitors justify the investment?” she asks.
Another consideration are the neighbors in the area; are they fans of the site? There have been very unpleasant surprises in this way, for example the vandalism at the site in Avdat in 2009 when Bedouin vandalized the national park in revenge for the demolition of their illegally built homes.
“As for the rock art, in my opinion the correct solution is to map all the rock art sites very well, but to open a limited area to the public, specific and defined for this treasure,” she said. We are now at a stage where we must take a single site as a pilot, a test site and monitor it for six months or a year. After that we will be able to see if it was damaged, or our fears are excessive, said Degen.
Razi Yahel, along with Degen and others, is working to turn the area of Mount Mihya between Sde Boker and Avdat — and where the Lipa Gal lookout is located — into the Rock Art Park. The idea is to define an open park area, without fences but with guards and guiding, proper paths between the rock art sites, explanatory signs and basic landscape architecture. “Rock art constitutes a major testimony of early man’s thoughts and beliefs of himself and his world. They were holy messages, a treasure of the past in the form of recorded thoughts, beliefs, myths and the ancient life’s worries. The earliest script is just over 5,000 years old but rock art provides a much earlier record, thousands of years, and encoding them is an exciting journey into the deep past,” the RockArt Forum states.  
“I of course want such a park to arise, but am very worried about the damage we may cause,” said Degen. It is clear the public is interested and there is no end to the questions they are asked about it, but they feel not enough is known about the proper way to turn rock art into a tourism industry, she said.
One participant in the conference who is supposed to know how to do this is Dr. Aron Mazel of Newcastle University in Britain. Mazel is an archaeologist who has specialized for decades in rock art, and will be giving a lecture entitled, “On the Ground and on the Web: Interpreting Northumberland Rock Art for Different Audiences.”
I spoke with him by phone from his home in England. Mazel explained he has absolutely no doubt that the rock art must be displayed for the public. He said such debates have been going on all over the world for years, but it must happen. If rock art is displayed properly, the visitors will understand its importance. If they understand, they will appreciate it, and if they appreciate it they will protect it, said Mazel.
He said his experience proves that the sites will not be damaged. But it must be done professionally, and an example he knows quite well comes from South Africa, where there is a strong emphasis on using guides from the local communities who guide the tourists at the sites and explain what they are seeing. In England there are various methods, he says. There are no explanations there or guiding, but visitors can wander freely. But the emphasis is on clear and high quality information, which is transmitted over a network or on cellular phones, and Mazel says it helps, adding that proper education is the key.
Mazel said he has been fighting for many years for rock to receive the recognition it deserves as important archeological findings. Such recognition would allow the Antiquities Authority and the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, who today, because there is no exact dating of the rock art, hesitate to act in these areas. Mount Karkom has some 40,000 items of rock art and is within a protected nature reserve, but its size and isolation make protecting and preserving the rock art difficult.
Room for optimism
While Mazel says Israel has a vast wealth of rock paintings and establishing such a park is an excellent idea, not everyone in Israel agrees. The IAA and INPA are much more skeptical about opening the sensitive sites up to the public. One example is the burial caves at the Beit Shearim National Park in the north, where some of the caves with particularly delicate antiquities are open only under strict supervision and guiding.
Another, opposite example is at the Statlactite Caves near Beit Shemesh, where the INPA opened up a magnificent cave to the public — even though it knows it is being irreparably damaged. The INPA says it did so to allow it to close off many other, no less beautiful caves and preserve them.
In one of the rock paintings I looked at by the lookout, I saw a horned animal lying on its back with something that looked like a spear stuck in its belly. Next to it was a carving in a different color, lighter, seemingly newer. The ancient artwork is incredibly beautiful, but the question one thinks of when looking at it is whether it will survive exposure to the public, or whether it will be sacrificed and become extinct exactly like the horned animal carved in the rock here thousands of years ago. The birds of prey circling over me are not a good sign. 

 By Moshe Gilad

Hidden History..The Quest for Truth (Part one) TOP SECRET 2014

I just came across this web page... It is REALLY interesting to read!

Follow this Link Below and check it out for yourself!!!


Thursday 24 April 2014


10 Mysterious Artifacts That Are Allegedly Alien

Some say alien life forms have visited Earth throughout history. However, such claims are difficult to prove. Most UFO sightings and abductions are easy to dismiss as hoaxes or simple misunderstandings.
But what about the times when the little green men actually leave something behind? Or the artifacts people from ancient times have constructed to honor what could only be visitors from other planets? There are many strange objects in the world, both enigmatic and man-made, that are said to be proof of alien life.

Counting down from 10 to 1.....

10 The Russian UFO Tooth Wheel

A Russian man found a strange piece of machinery from Vladivostok, the administrative capital of the Primorsky Krai area. The object resembled a piece of tooth wheel and was embedded in a piece of coal he was using to light a fire. Although discarded pieces of old machines are not uncommon in Russia, the man became curious and showed his find to some scientists. Testing revealed that the toothed object was almost pure aluminum and almost certainly artificially made.
Also, it was 300 million years old. This raised some interesting questions, as aluminum of this purity and shape can’t form naturally and humans didn’t figure out how to make it until 1825. Curiously, the object also resembles parts that are used in microscopes and other delicate technical devices.
Although conspiracy theorists have been quick to declare the find a part of an alien spaceship, the scientists researching it are not willing to jump to conclusions and wish to run further tests in order to learn more about the mysterious artifact.

9 The Guatemala Stone Head

In the 1930s, explorers found an enormous, eloquently made sandstone statue in the middle of a Guatemalan jungle. The face carved in the stone didn’t resemble the facial features of the Maya or any of the other people known to have populated the lands. In fact, its elongated cranium and fine features didn’t seem to belong in the history books at all.
Researchers have claimed that the statue’s unique features depict a member of an ancient alien civilization that was far more advanced than any of the pre-Hispanic races of America we know about. Some even speculated the head might just be a part of a much larger construct underneath (this was found to be untrue). Of course, there’s a chance that the statue might be the work of a more recent artist or even a complete hoax. Sadly, we will probably never find out for sure: The head was used for target practice by revolutionary troops and its features have been destroyed to near obscurity.

8 The Williams Enigmalith

In 1998, a hiker named John J. Williams noticed a strange metallic protrusion in the dirt. He dug up a strange-looking rock which, upon cleaning, turned out to have a weird electrical component attached to it. The electric device was clearly man-made and somewhat resembled an electrical plug.
The rock has since become a well-known mystery in UFO enthusiast circles. It has featured in UFO Magazine and (according to Williams) Fortean Times, a famed magazine devoted to mysterious phenomena. Williams, an electrical engineer, says the electronic component embedded in the stone has not been glued or welded into the granite. In fact, the rock probably formed around the device.
Many believe that the so-called Williams Enigmalith is a hoax, as Williams refuses to break it (but is willing to sell it for $500,000). Also, the stone device does bear a certain resemblance to heat rocks that are commonly used to keep tropical pet lizards warm. Still, geological analysis has apparently determined that the stone is around 100,000 years old, which (if true) would mean the device inside can’t possibly be of human creation. Williams is confident enough to let anyone research the Enigmalith on three conditions: He must be present, the rock must remain unharmed, and he will not have to pay for the research.

7 Ancient Aeroplanes

Incas and other pre-Columbian people left behind some extremely puzzling trinkets. Some of the strangest are probably the so-called Ancient Aeroplanes, which are small, golden figures that closely resemble modern jet planes. Originally thought to be zoomorphic (meant to resemble animals), the statues were soon found to have features that look very much like fighter planes’ wings, stabilizing tails, and even landing gears. They were aerodynamic enough that when ancient astronaut believers (allegedly) made model planes with their proportions and fitted them with propellers and (again, allegedly) jet engines, they flew perfectly. All of this has led to speculation that the Incas may have been in contact with (likely extraterrestrial) people who were able to build advanced jet planes, and who perhaps even possessed the technology themselves.
Well, that, or these wonderful statuettes might just be artistic representations of bees, flying fish, or other winged creatures. As always, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

6 The Ubaid Lizard Men

Al Ubaid archeological site in Iraq is a gold mine for archeologists and historians. It has yielded numerous objects from a pre-Sumerian time called the Ubaid period (5900–4000 B.C.). However, some of these objects are quite disturbing. A number of Ubaid statues depict strange, lizard-like humanoid figures in unique, unceremonious poses that seem to indicate they were not gods (such as the animal-headed deities of Egypt), but rather a race of lizard people.
Of course, the statues have been drawn into stories and theories of reptilian aliens that used to roam the earth (and perhaps still do, according to conspiracy theorists). Although this seems unlikely, their true nature remains a mystery.

10 Mysterious Artifacts That Are Allegedly Alien

Pauli Poisuo
Some say alien life forms have visited Earth throughout history. However, such claims are difficult to prove. Most UFO sightings and abductions are easy to dismiss as hoaxes or simple misunderstandings.
But what about the times when the little green men actually leave something behind? Or the artifacts people from ancient times have constructed to honor what could only be visitors from other planets? There are many strange objects in the world, both enigmatic and man-made, that are said to be proof of alien life.

10 The Russian UFO Tooth Wheel

A Russian man found a strange piece of machinery from Vladivostok, the administrative capital of the Primorsky Krai area. The object resembled a piece of tooth wheel and was embedded in a piece of coal he was using to light a fire. Although discarded pieces of old machines are not uncommon in Russia, the man became curious and showed his find to some scientists. Testing revealed that the toothed object was almost pure aluminum and almost certainly artificially made.
Also, it was 300 million years old. This raised some interesting questions, as aluminum of this purity and shape can’t form naturally and humans didn’t figure out how to make it until 1825. Curiously, the object also resembles parts that are used in microscopes and other delicate technical devices.
Although conspiracy theorists have been quick to declare the find a part of an alien spaceship, the scientists researching it are not willing to jump to conclusions and wish to run further tests in order to learn more about the mysterious artifact.

9 The Guatemala Stone Head

In the 1930s, explorers found an enormous, eloquently made sandstone statue in the middle of a Guatemalan jungle. The face carved in the stone didn’t resemble the facial features of the Maya or any of the other people known to have populated the lands. In fact, its elongated cranium and fine features didn’t seem to belong in the history books at all.
Researchers have claimed that the statue’s unique features depict a member of an ancient alien civilization that was far more advanced than any of the pre-Hispanic races of America we know about. Some even speculated the head might just be a part of a much larger construct underneath (this was found to be untrue). Of course, there’s a chance that the statue might be the work of a more recent artist or even a complete hoax. Sadly, we will probably never find out for sure: The head was used for target practice by revolutionary troops and its features have been destroyed to near obscurity.

8 The Williams Enigmalith

In 1998, a hiker named John J. Williams noticed a strange metallic protrusion in the dirt. He dug up a strange-looking rock which, upon cleaning, turned out to have a weird electrical component attached to it. The electric device was clearly man-made and somewhat resembled an electrical plug.
The rock has since become a well-known mystery in UFO enthusiast circles. It has featured in UFO Magazine and (according to Williams) Fortean Times, a famed magazine devoted to mysterious phenomena. Williams, an electrical engineer, says the electronic component embedded in the stone has not been glued or welded into the granite. In fact, the rock probably formed around the device.
Many believe that the so-called Williams Enigmalith is a hoax, as Williams refuses to break it (but is willing to sell it for $500,000). Also, the stone device does bear a certain resemblance to heat rocks that are commonly used to keep tropical pet lizards warm. Still, geological analysis has apparently determined that the stone is around 100,000 years old, which (if true) would mean the device inside can’t possibly be of human creation. Williams is confident enough to let anyone research the Enigmalith on three conditions: He must be present, the rock must remain unharmed, and he will not have to pay for the research.

7 Ancient Aeroplanes

Incas and other pre-Columbian people left behind some extremely puzzling trinkets. Some of the strangest are probably the so-called Ancient Aeroplanes, which are small, golden figures that closely resemble modern jet planes. Originally thought to be zoomorphic (meant to resemble animals), the statues were soon found to have features that look very much like fighter planes’ wings, stabilizing tails, and even landing gears. They were aerodynamic enough that when ancient astronaut believers (allegedly) made model planes with their proportions and fitted them with propellers and (again, allegedly) jet engines, they flew perfectly. All of this has led to speculation that the Incas may have been in contact with (likely extraterrestrial) people who were able to build advanced jet planes, and who perhaps even possessed the technology themselves.
Well, that, or these wonderful statuettes might just be artistic representations of bees, flying fish, or other winged creatures. As always, the beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

6 The Ubaid Lizard Men

Al Ubaid archeological site in Iraq is a gold mine for archeologists and historians. It has yielded numerous objects from a pre-Sumerian time called the Ubaid period (5900–4000 B.C.). However, some of these objects are quite disturbing. A number of Ubaid statues depict strange, lizard-like humanoid figures in unique, unceremonious poses that seem to indicate they were not gods (such as the animal-headed deities of Egypt), but rather a race of lizard people.
Of course, the statues have been drawn into stories and theories of reptilian aliens that used to roam the earth (and perhaps still do, according to conspiracy theorists). Although this seems unlikely, their true nature remains a mystery.

5 5 The Sri Lanka Meteorite Fossils

Researchers who analyzed the remains of a meteorite that fell in Sri Lanka found that their subject was something more than just pieces of space rock. It was an alien artifact in the most literal sense: an artifact made of actual aliens. Two separate studies have found that the meteorite contains fossils and algae that are clearly of extraterrestrial origin. Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, the leading researcher on the first study, says the fossils provide compelling evidence of panspermia (the hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe and is spread by meteorites and other solid space debris). However, he is not without his critics. Wickramasinghe just happens to be a noted panspermia enthusiast with a tendency to claim that almost everything is of extraterrestrial origin. What’s more, the traces of life the meteorite contains are actually freshwater species commonly found on Earth, which seems to indicate the object has been contaminated during its time on our planet.

4 The Summer’s Triumph Tapestry

The tapestry known as Summer’s Triumph was created in Bruges (the capital of West Flanders province in the Flemish Region of Belgium) around 1538. Currently, it resides in the Bayerisches National Museum.
Summer’s Triumph is famous (or infamous) among conspiracy theorists because it clearly depicts a number of distinctly UFO-like objects flying in the skies. Although their presence is baffling, some speculate they may have been added in the tapestry (which depicts a victorious ruler’s ascension to power) in order to connect the UFOs to the ruler as a symbol of divine intervention. This, of course, raises more questions than answers, such as: Why would the 16th-century Belgians recognize flying saucers and mentally connect them with divinity?

3 The Glorification Of The Eucharist

An Italian painter named Ventura Salimbeni is responsible for one of the most mysterious altar paintings in history. “Disputa of the Eucharist,” a 16th-century painting also known as “The Glorification of the Eucharist” (Eucharist is an alternate term for the Holy Communion), is a three-part work. The bottom two parts are relatively normal: They depict a number of religious authorities and an altar. However, the top part shows the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and a dove depicting the Holy Ghost) looking upon them . . . and holding what seems to be a space satellite. The object is large and spherical, with a metallic finish, telescopic antennas, and strange lights. In fact, it heavily resembles an old Sputnik satellite.
Although UFO enthusiasts and ancient astronaut theorists have often claimed the Disputa as proof of extraterrestrial life (or perhaps time travel), experts have been quick to debunk such notions. According to them, the orb is a Sphaera Mundi, a globe-like representation of the universe that used to be common in religious art. The strange lights on the “satellite” are merely the sun and the moon, and its antennas are actually scepter wands that act as symbols of authority for the Father and the Son.

2 The Mexican Government’s Maya Artifacts

The story goes like this: In 2012, the Mexican government released a number of Maya artifacts they had been protecting for 80 years as state secrets. These objects were retrieved from an unexplored pyramid that was found under another pyramid in Calakmul, the site of one of the most powerful ancient Maya cities. A government-sanctioned documentary by Raul Julia-Levy (the son of famous actor Raul Julia) and financier Elisabeth Thieriot (ex-wife of a former publisher of the San Francisco Chronicle) featured a number of these finds, most of which clearly depict UFOs and alien visitors.
The case may seem fairly enticing, but once you look closer, a strange pattern of fraud begins to emerge. Both of the documentarians seem to be lying about something. Julia-Levy doesn’t appear to be who he claims to be—Raul Julia’s widow has publicly called out a con man named Salvador Alba Fuentes. According to her, Salvador is attempting to ride on her late husband’s fame and is going around telling everyone his name is, yes, Raul Julia-Levy. Meanwhile, Thieriot has shut down the production of the documentary and sued her partner, accusing “Julia-Levy” of stealing her documentary and misusing filming equipment (a statement “Julia-Levy” vehemently opposes). What’s more, there seems to be very little scientific proof of the authenticity of the artifacts, and the pictures that have emerged online are less than concrete evidence.
Perhaps the artifacts were cheap fakes manufactured by a local artisan. Perhaps the officials had second thoughts about the documentary and ordered Thieriot to shut it down by any means necessary. Whatever the truth behind these strange artifacts is, their case is far from convincing.

1 The Betz Mystery Sphere

When the Betz family was examining the damage of a strange fire that had decimated 88 acres of their woodland, they made a strange discovery: a silvery sphere, about 20 centimeters (eight inches) in diameter, completely smooth except for a strange, elongated triangle symbol. Initially thinking it might be a NASA gadget or even a Soviet spy satellite, they eventually decided it was most likely just a souvenir. On a moment’s whim, they decided to take it with them.
Two weeks later, the family’s son was strumming a guitar in the same room as the sphere. Suddenly, the sphere started reacting to his tunes, emitting a strange throbbing sound and a resonance that deeply disturbed the family’s dog. Soon, the Betz family found the orb had other strange properties. It could stop and change directions when pushed across the floor, eventually returning to the person who pushed it like a faithful dog. It seemed to draw power from solar energy, becoming noticeably more active on bright days.
It started looking like something (or someone) was controlling the sphere: It would occasionally emit low-frequency rattling and vibrations, like there was a motor running inside. It seemed to avoid falling and crashing at all costs, as if to protect something inside it. It even managed to completely defy the laws of gravity and climb up a slanted table to avoid falling.
A media frenzy ensued. Respected papers such as the New York Times and the London Daily sent reporters to witness the miracle sphere, which repeated its tricks to countless people. Even scientists and representatives of the military were impressed, although the Betz family wouldn’t let them take the sphere for closer examination. However, that soon changed as the sphere took a turn for the worse. It started exhibiting poltergeist–like behavior: Doors started slamming shut at night and strange organ music would fill the house out of the blue. At that point, the family decided to find out what the sphere really was. The Navy analyzed it and found it was . . . a perfectly ordinary (if high-quality) stainless steel ball.
To this day, it’s not entirely clear what the mysterious alien sphere is. However, there have been many theories attempting to explain its possible nature. The most plausible of these is, incidentally, the most mundane: Three years before the Betz family found the orb, an artist named James Durling-Jones was driving in the area where it was found. On the luggage rack on his car roof were a number of stainless steel balls meant for a sculpture he was making, some of which dropped off during the bumpy ride. These balls matched the exact description of the Betz sphere, and were balanced enough to roll around at the slightest provocation (the Betz family lived in an old house with uneven floors, so such a ball would appear to behave erratically). These balls could even emit a rattling sound, thanks to tiny metal shavings stuck inside during the manufacturing process.
Although this doesn’t explain all of the reported phenomena, it certainly casts a shadow over all the “mysterious ghost ball from outer space” rhetoric.

Jason Martell - Ancient Alien Research - Feb 3rd 2014

Open Minds UFO Radio: For over 15 years, Jason Martell has been one of the leading researchers and lectures specializing in ancient civilization technologies. Martell’s research has been featured worldwide on numerous television and radio networks such as The Discovery Channel, Syfy Channel, and the BBC. He is currently a regular guest on the show “Ancient Aliens” on the History Channel. His latest book “Knowledge Apocalypse” is available on Amazon.com.

Follow the Link Below:


Alien Artifacts on Mars & Infamous Conspiracies New 2014

Ancient Aliens: Planet X Niburu Ancient Astronauts Mars Gods

Ancient Astronauts/ Dr. Michael S. Heiser

Those Pyramids on Mars

Like the face on Mars that wasn’t really a face, the so-called pyramids on Mars aren’t really artificially-made structures. I have friends who would insist they are, but I’ve never bought into the idea. Astronomer Stuart Robbins, the voice behind the PseudoAstronomy podcast, will tell you why you shouldn’t, either.

Must follow link! interesting read....


for her main page follow


Discovered on Mars: - Feb 6, 2014

Toltec Face, Ancient Building, Pictographic Language Engraved in Rock

 The recent panorama image PIA 17931 released on January 30, 2014 by NASA of Curiosity Rover as it looked down across a sand dune into "Dingo Gap" may have yielded more than a pleasant view of the Martian landscape.

As both video details, an object which resembles half a head can be seen protruding out of the Martian dirt. The "Face" clearly has humanoid features, two eyes, a nose and mouth.

Remarkable, the face on Mars seems to refer to the Toltec civilization.

The Toltec culture is an archaeological Mesoamerican culture that dominated a state centered in Tula, in the early post-classic period of Mesoamerican chronology (ca 800–1000 CE). The later Aztec culture saw the Toltecs as their intellectual and cultural predecessors.
Follow Link For More: 

The ancient astronaut theory

 Columnist: Leonard Farra
Image credit: Wiki





Link:  http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/column.php?id=248152

Ancient Mysteries

Ancient Aliens 2013The Trailblazing Star and Producer of Ancient Aliens,
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, is changing the way the world thinks about the ancient astronaut theory.

 Link:   http://www.edgarcayce.org/are/conferencesVaBeach.aspx?id=7082

Stargates Hitler’s Time Machine Archons & Annunaki Ancient Aliens Everywhere

ACCORDING to the Ancient Astronaut Theory, extraterrestrials, the Annunaki, arrived on our planet around 450,000 years ago from their homeworld, Nibiru. Various sources have different opinions on the reason for coming to Earth.

To read more follow link:


2014 - Alien Contact, Annunaki? The message you have to see for yourself!!!!

This is your wake up call!! ...

Swiss scientist say they can prove beyond a doubt that the Lost City of Atantis was on Mars!! and its astronauts traded with ancient Egypt for a signigicant period of time!!!

Follow link!





The Anunnaki Skeleton & Fooprint - Saturday, 18 January 2014


For More Follow Link Below.......


Follow link below and it will take you to Galactic Connection Alien Annunaki Grave Yard Found!!


Proof of Ancient Aliens in the National Museum of Iraq?

Ancient Astronauts or Ancient Aliens

2014 -Ancient Aliens? Annunaki? Advanced technology.

Ancient Alien outpost - Ancient Code

Did this mysterious artifact actually fall from a UFO as Bob White claimed?

Wednesday 16 April 2014


Many researchers over the last few decades have proposed there is a Hidden History of the Human Species that is being purposely covered up by scientists and controlling governments for centuries.

Link to video below:


UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY! Click on the link

Top 10 Weird Government Secrets

It's not just military secrets that governments keep close. And some information, like the recently revealed allegation that Winston Churchill ordered a cover-up of a UFO sighting, seems more amusing than disturbing.  Lets take a quick look at odd hush-hush moment!
Churchill and UFOs
CIA Mind-Control Experiments
Area 51
UFOs in the U.S.S.R
The Loch Ness Monster 
The CIA Schemes to Kill Castro - With a Seashell
Julia Child's Intelligence
Grand Central Terminal's Secret Rooms
Listening in on Lennon
Potemkin Villages


Edward Joseph Snowden  is an American computer professional, former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and former contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA).

He came to international attention when he disclosed thousands of classified documents to several media outlets, which he had acquired while working for the American consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. 

Snowden's release of classified material has been described as the most significant leak in U.S. history by Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg.

In May 2013, Snowden flew from Hawaii to Hong Kong, where he met with journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras and released numerous documents to them. With his permission, the journalists later revealed his identity to the international media. The U.S. Department of Justice charged Snowden with espionage on June 21, the U.S. Department of State revoked his passport the next day. On June 23, substituting a temporary Ecuadorian travel document for his cancelled passport, Snowden flew to Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport. According to Russian sources, Snowden was ticketed for onward flight to Latin America via Cuba. Why Snowden did not board that flight is unclear. On June 27, Ecuador publicly cancelled his safe passage, saying it was issued without official authorisation. Snowden remained stranded in the airport transit zone until August 1st when the Russian government granted him a one-year temporary renewable asylum.

Snowden's leaked documents uncovered the existence of numerous global surveillance programs, many of them run by the NSA and the Five Eyes with the cooperation of telecommunication companies and European governments. In 2013, the existence of the Boundless Informant was revealed, along with the PRISM electronic data mining program, the XKeyscore analytical tool, the Tempora interception project, the MUSCULAR access point and the massive FASCIA database, which contains trillions of device-location records. In the following year, Britain's Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group was revealed, along with the Dishfire database, Squeaky Dolphin's real-time monitoring of social media networks, and the bulk collection of private web cam images via the Optic Nerve program.

A subject of controversy, Snowden has been variously called a hero, a whistle blower, a dissident, a traitor, and a patriot. 

Snowden's "sole motive" for leaking the documents was, in his words, "to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them." The disclosures have fuelled debates over mass surveillance, government secrecy, and the balance between national security and information privacy. Two court rulings since the initial leaks have split on the constitutionality of the NSA's bulk collection of telephone metadata. Snowden is considered a defendant by American authorities. 

In early 2014, some media outlets and politicians called for leniency in the form of clemency, amnesty or pardon, while others called for him to be imprisoned, ex-CIA director James Woolsey said that Snowden should be hanged if convicted of treason, and anonymous "spies" want him murdered. He lives in an undisclosed location in Russia, and is seeking asylum in the European Union. Snowden currently holds a three-year post as Rector of the University of Glasgow and serves on the Freedom of the Press Foundation board of directors. 

"I personally take my hat off to Edward Snowden!! I believe that the public has a right to know what kind of world we are living in! With out the public there would be NO governments! Without us they would be nothing!"

Please leave your thoughts on this as it would be interesting to hear peoples views on the matter.

Many Thanks 



1) Can you hear me now?
The Guardian reported on June 6 that, according to documents leaked by Edward Snowden, the Obama administration enabled the National Security Agency to collect caller information from Verizon through a “business records” provision of the Patriot Act, established under President George W. Bush. The government ordered Verizon to hand over call information on a daily basis, including the time, location and duration of calls. The Bush administration began collecting such information in October 2001 from AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, which USA Today reported in 2006.
The consequence:
While US officials sought to reassure the public that such surveillance was legal and part of an ongoing program vital to national security, many Americans called the domestic spying an unnecessary invasion of privacy and lamented that it was even legal in the first place. A national debate quickly erupted.

2) Yes we scan
Snowden also leaked a secret 41-slide PowerPoint presentation apparently used to train US intelligence personnel. The slides detail the NSA’s involvement in a then-clandestine program called PRISM.
PRISM is the NSA effort to collect massive amounts of data from internet companies such as email content, search histories and file transfers tied to potential terrorism or espionage suspects. The PowerPoint presentation confirmed that the NSA is able to directly access the servers of “major US service providers,” describing collaboration with tech companies like YouTube, Skype, Google and Apple. Google, Apple, and others in the tech industry, however, denied awareness of the program.
PRISM began in 2007 with Microsoft and expanded to include Apple in 2012. To be subject toPRISM surveillance, there need only be “reasonable suspicion” that one of the suspects is outside the United States. Unlike the Verizon court-ordered collaboration, the government can access live information, photos, video chats and data from social networks directly through the companies’ servers without required consent or individual court orders. One slide puts the cost of the program at $20 million per year.
The consequence:
Domestically, PRISM was criticized for its ability to collect data on US citizens unintentionally. Also, the revelations coincided with a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama, adding tension to an already heated dialogue over cyber-espionage between the two countries. The summit in California was focused on US accusations of Chinese cyberattacks; but the US had little credibility in the wake of the Snowden leaks. China was adamant that it too was the victim of US attacks. EU countries were also brought into the mix, and European citizens now worry they have been spied upon through the PRISM program.

3) Boundless Informant
Boundless Informant is a tool that allows the NSA to compile and track the “metadata” it collects around the world. In the month of March alone, nearly 3 billion pieces of information were collected from US networks and 97 billion pieces worldwide, the Guardian reported on June 8.
A “global heat map” sorts the intelligence sources by country, type, and volume, allowing quick analysis of which countries are most targeted, as well as when the information was gathered. The program is reviewed periodically, according to the documents, with operators able to make recommendations for future improvement.
The consequence:
Boundless Informant proved that despite assurances to Congress to the contrary, the NSA does keep track of the surveillance it performs on US citizens. James Clapper, director of national intelligence, defended the government’s use of the PRISM program and condemned “reckless disclosures” of its details by media. It was the first time Clapper named the program publicly. The intelligence director now faces criticism that he misled Congress when he earlier said the NSA did not have the tools to assess the extent of information gathered on US citizens. Clapper remains adamant that any information gathered on US citizens is “unwitting,” rather than the result of targeted surveillance.

4) The United States is hacking China
Snowden, speaking with The South China Morning Post, gave his first press interview with an outlet other than the Guardian after revealing himself as the source of the leaks on June 12. He said he would stay in Hong Kong until he is “asked to leave,” and said that he took up his previous role as a consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton with the intent of disseminating state secrets. (Snowden would later fly to Moscow and initiate asylum applications with more than 20 countries, many of them denied.) Snowden also told the South China Morning Post that the NSA has been hacking mainland Chinese and Hong Kong computers since 2009. He claimed the NSA hacked networks at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, home to the Hong Kong Internet Exchange and Hong Kong’s main terminal for all internet traffic.
The consequence:
Snowden’s statements hardened the standoff between China and the United States over hacking. Hong Kong Secretary for Security Lai Tung-kwok announced that the Hong Kong Internet Exchange has been monitored but appears unaffected, while Chinese University announced that it has not found evidence of hacking on its servers.
The domestic debate in the United States began to reach a fever pitch. A Gallup Poll conducted between June 10 and June 11 placed support among Americans for Snowden’s actions at 44 percent, while 42 percent said his actions were wrong. Still, the poll found that 57 percent of respondents did not support the NSA’s surveillance programs as outlined in the leaked documents, while 37 percent approved.

5) Britain targets G20 members
Another PowerPoint presentation leaked on June 16 outlines how the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), Britain’s equivalent to the NSA, used real-time surveying of delegates’ phone communications at the G20 Summit in 2009. The intent of the surveillance was to gain diplomatic advantage at the meetings, which came in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. British officials could obtain real-time readings of calls made by targeted persons and read their emails without notice.
There is specific mention in the slides of targeting “the Turkish finance minister and possibly 15 others in his party,” according to the Guardian. The slides suggest “senior level” members of government in Gordon Brown’s administration, Britain’s prime minister at the time, were aware of the intelligence gathering and that the information “was passed to British ministers.” The presentation also alludes to such covert techniques being neither unprecedented nor unique.
The consequence:
The revelations incited ire from Russia, Turkey and South Africa, all of which had diplomats directly targeted at various times during the summit. While there is consensus that many countries engage in similar acts of espionage, the publicity was nonetheless damaging to the UK government’s reputation. The news added to mounting concern in the international community about links between UK’s GCHQ and the NSA’s PRISM program.

6) NSA procedures
On June 20, the Guardian revealed two more documents obtained by Snowden (viewable hereand here). Signed by Attorney General Eric Holder in 2009, the documents shed light on procedures sanctioned by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. According to the documents, the NSA can keep (and make use of) information inadvertently gathered on US citizens for a period of up to five years — without a warrant — but only if the information is deemed to be relevant in preventing national security threats or to aid further investigations. The information can be sent to allied governments or foreign organizations, so long as the person’s identity is anonymous.
The consequence:
While the documents outline the circumstances the NSA must destroy data collected from US citizens, as well as the rigorous steps analysts are supposed to take to make sure a target is outside the United States, they also reveal several ways the NSA can continue to use data collected on US citizens. The revelations appear to contradict statements by Obama and others that the NSA cannot access data on US citizens without a warrant.
Patrick McFarland, inspector general for the US Office of Personnel Management, meanwhile, announced an ongoing probe into whether a proper background check was conducted before Snowden was given a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information-level clearance.
The investigation focused on the operations of US Investigations Services (USIS), a Virginia-based information and security company employed by the government to conduct background checks. US government officials came under fire during a Senate subcommittee hearing investigating why the NSA hired Snowden despite discrepancies on his resume. Booz Allen Hamilton noted potential issues but failed to act and USIS, which screened Snowden for his government security clearance before his work with Booz Allen Hamilton, was similarly unsuccessful in acting on any suspicous elements.

7) Friends who hack together stay together
The Guardian revealed slides on June 21 created by the UK’s GCHQ with titles like “Mastering the Internet” and “Global Telecoms Exploitation.” The slides outline Tempora, an 18-month-old program the GCHQ uses to store metadata for up to 30 days and content data for up to three days, allowing the agency to sift through reams of information legally.
The documents show the extent to which the GCHQ has been able to tap 200 fiber-optic cables laid beneath the Atlantic Ocean, potentially accessing over “21 petabytes of communications data a day.”
The slides indicate that private companies are required to give GCHQ discreet access to tap the cables. The United Kingdom shared that information with the NSA beginning in 2011, giving the US spy agency unlimited access to GCHQ data. The slides show that “850,000 NSA employees and US private contractors with top secret clearance had access to GCHQ databases.”
The consequence:
Officials and private citizens raised concerns on both sides of the Atlantic that there is insufficient oversight and limited restrictions on the UK’s fiber-optic surveillance system. The close-knit relationship between the US and UK intelligence agencies, as well as the NSA’s unfiltered access to Britain’s world-leading cyber-surveillance stores, came under heightened scrutiny. Some diplomats worried that the revelations could negatively impact EU-US trade discussions, and that China-US cybersecurity talks, already on a tentative footing, could suffer as well.

8) NSA targets China’s largest research hub and major telecommunications provider
Speaking to The South China Morning Post, Snowden said on June 23 that the NSA has hacked into computer networks at Tsinghua University an unknown number of times. Snowden said on a single day in January 63 computers and servers were hacked. Snowden argued that the internal and external IP addresses he disclosed could only come from hacking or physical access to the computers.
The facility at Tsinghua University is one of six backbone networks that comprise the China Education and Research Network (CERNET), through which internet data for millions of Chinese can be accessed. The system was the first of its kind and is now the largest national research hub in the world. It is owned by the Ministry of Education and maintained by the university and other colleges.
The South China Morning Post also published the allegation from Snowden that US agents hacked the Hong Kong headquarters of Pacnet, a privately-owned company that provides the majority of fiber-optic cables in the Asia Pacific and has stations across the region. Most Pacnet cables bring internet connections to and from the United States, where some of the world’s largest cloud computing and internet search engines are based.
The consequence:
Following Snowden’s latest revelations, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs created a new office for handling “diplomatic activities involving cyber security.” Chinese diplomats said China has been the victim of US hacking many times before, and that the issue would be discussed as part of a US-China “strategic and security dialogue.” Despite concerns that the issue could derail any progress diffusing tension over cybersecurity issues, talks between the two countries were set to continue.

9) Fail-safe switch
Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian journalist who received Snowden’s first leak, told The Daily Beast that the rest of Snowden’s files have been disseminated around the world. If something unforeseen befalls Snowden, Greenwald reported, more information will inevitably be leaked.
Greenwald said that though the still-secret documents are encrypted, Snowden has made arrangements for the passwords to reach those with the files if he is unable to access them himself.
Greenwald also said Snowden gave him many more documents than those so far released and believes Snowden has even more on top of that. The documents are said to be stored on four laptops in Snowden’s possession. Greenwald said he does not wish to publish any details of the NSA’s surveillance systems that could foster or enable security breaches, nor does Snowden.
The consequence:
The fact that Snowden made multiple copies of the classified intelligence he carries created renewed angst among US officials. New questions were raised as to whether the US intelligence community can adequately stem the current leak and prevent future breaches from occurring.
German news magazine Der Spiegel revealed on June 29 it had seen part of a 2010 document, obtained by Snowden, showing that the NSA spied on European citizens and EU officials.
The document reportedly specifies Europeans as a “location target,” with Germans singled out as a major focus of US eavesdropping. The document also mentions telecommunications hacking — first reported by EU officials five years ago — of the EU Council of Ministers and the European Council at the Justus Lipsius Building in Brussels. Calls from an NSA-occupied building at the NATO headquarters outside of Brussells, according to the document, were traced to the Lipsius Building.

10) NSA surveils Europe
German news magazine Der Spiegel revealed on June 29 it had seen part of a 2010 document, obtained by Snowden, showing that the NSA spied on European citizens and EU officials.
The document reportedly specifies Europeans as a “location target,” with Germans singled out as a major focus of US eavesdropping. The document also mentions telecommunications hacking — first reported by EU officials five years ago — of the EU Council of Ministers and the European Council at the Justus Lipsius Building in Brussels. Calls from an NSA-occupied building at the NATO headquarters outside of Brussells, according to the document, were traced to the Lipsius Building.
The consequence:
Europeans erupted in anger over the new allegations. German Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger said: “If the media reports are accurate, then this recalls the methods used by enemies during the Cold War.”
Grievences with the US surveillance program were particularly evident in Germany where, after a frank conversation between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Obama during his visit to Berlin earlier in the month, cybersecurity was a hot topic.

11) Dozens of embassies hacked
On July 1, The Guardian revealed a 2007 document that named 38 embassies and missions that were “targets” of US surveillance, including the EU embassy in Washington and its mission in New York.
It was unclear, according to The Guardian, whether those on the list were targets of the NSA only, or if agencies like the CIA and FBI were also watching them. The document described bugging fax machines with listening devices and listed the names of programs like “Wabash,” an operation directed at the French embassy in Washington.
The list of countries targeted was not limited to EU members or the traditional enemies of the United States, but instead includes the likes of India and Mexico, as well as Greece and Turkey. Gaining insider knowledge of diplomatic relations between the targeted states and the United States was the primary goal of the targeted surveillance, The Guardian reported.
The consequence:
The intelligence leak may have jeopardized the largest attempted free trade agreement in the world, with negotiations between the EU and United States set to begin on July 8 in Washington, DC on a new free trade pact. French President Francois Hollande made public his anger over the covert operations, saying that any future negotiations will be contingent on the United States ceasing all unauthorized surveillance of EU buildings and personnel. US officials have tried to smooth over the dispute, but the success of the trade agreement may still hang in the balance.