The basic idea behind the ancient alien astronauts theory is that
thousands of years ago mankind was either genetically created and
altered by extraterrestrials, or the direct offspring of these
extraterrestrials. These ancient “astronauts” are in point of fact
aliens from a different or many different planets and galaxies. Many of
these aliens are believed to look like us, or rather, we look like them.
is given to the ancient astronauts theory in various sources such as
the Sumerian Tablets, The Book of Enoch, The Bible and many myths and
stories from almost all cultures from around the world. Most of the
histories and mythologies throughout the world stress the coming of
“gods” from other planets to this planet and breeding either physically
or genetically with the earth beings. The offspring of these ancient
astronauts are present day humans.
The ancient alien astronaut theory is the missing link between evolution and creation. Humans did evolve in their past but something suddenly brought in intelligence and advanced civilizations. This something was the ancient astronauts who genetically modified humans. So humans are both “created” in God’s image and evolved beings.
It is believed that there have been numerous extraterrestrial visitations to planet Earth in our history, however, one of the most common is the visitation revolving around the Anunnaki. It is said that the planet they are originally from, Nibiru, was having atmospheric problems and so they were exploring other planets for resources, in particular gold, to help aid their planet.
Earth was found to contain large amounts of gold and so the Anunnaki set up shop on planet Earth to start mining. They noticed the indigenous Earth beings on the planet and decided to make them slaves to help with the mining efforts. The Anunnaki experimented with different genetic tests to create different types of workers. Some of the offspring were too smart and turned out to be too hard to manipulate and control. So they decided to dumb down the humans to a level where they were smart enough carry out the slave tasks but not smart enough to rebel or take control of their own lives.

The God of the Old Testament, Yahweh, is generally depicted as Enlil when it comes to ancient astronaut theory. The serpent in the garden, or adversary, is generally seen as his brother, Enki. These two brothers in ancient history are commonly depicted as God and Satan in the Bible. Enki is said to have been the main Anunnaki behind creating humans. Enki, however, wanted to create humans as free, creative, independent beings while his brother Enlil did not want to give the humans freedom and instead wanted to control and rule over them. The Old Testament in the Bible depicts this family feud fairly accurately.
It is believed that the Anunnaki are still here with us today and that they never left. There are also said to be other groups of extraterrestrials from Orion, Sirius A and B, Pleiades, Andromeda, Tau Ceti, Zeta Reticuli, Alpha Draconis and others. The ancient astronauts conspiracy is one of the deepest and most complex conspiracies there is. Many of the secret government projects and many of the secret societies and families tie in heavily to this closely guarded secret.
The ancient alien astronaut theory is the missing link between evolution and creation. Humans did evolve in their past but something suddenly brought in intelligence and advanced civilizations. This something was the ancient astronauts who genetically modified humans. So humans are both “created” in God’s image and evolved beings.
It is believed that there have been numerous extraterrestrial visitations to planet Earth in our history, however, one of the most common is the visitation revolving around the Anunnaki. It is said that the planet they are originally from, Nibiru, was having atmospheric problems and so they were exploring other planets for resources, in particular gold, to help aid their planet.
Earth was found to contain large amounts of gold and so the Anunnaki set up shop on planet Earth to start mining. They noticed the indigenous Earth beings on the planet and decided to make them slaves to help with the mining efforts. The Anunnaki experimented with different genetic tests to create different types of workers. Some of the offspring were too smart and turned out to be too hard to manipulate and control. So they decided to dumb down the humans to a level where they were smart enough carry out the slave tasks but not smart enough to rebel or take control of their own lives.
The God of the Old Testament, Yahweh, is generally depicted as Enlil when it comes to ancient astronaut theory. The serpent in the garden, or adversary, is generally seen as his brother, Enki. These two brothers in ancient history are commonly depicted as God and Satan in the Bible. Enki is said to have been the main Anunnaki behind creating humans. Enki, however, wanted to create humans as free, creative, independent beings while his brother Enlil did not want to give the humans freedom and instead wanted to control and rule over them. The Old Testament in the Bible depicts this family feud fairly accurately.
It is believed that the Anunnaki are still here with us today and that they never left. There are also said to be other groups of extraterrestrials from Orion, Sirius A and B, Pleiades, Andromeda, Tau Ceti, Zeta Reticuli, Alpha Draconis and others. The ancient astronauts conspiracy is one of the deepest and most complex conspiracies there is. Many of the secret government projects and many of the secret societies and families tie in heavily to this closely guarded secret.
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